Alaska is known for its world-famous sustainable salmon runs. In the 1970's, in an effort to promote longterm sustainability and management, the State of Alaska, coastal communities, and fishermen alike came together to develop an innovative aquaculture program that would serve Alaskan users - subsistence, commercial, sports, and public use - for generations to come, and also contribute to Alaska's status as an economic powerhouse in the seafood markets at home in the U.S. and abroad.
Alaska's hatcheries produce hatchery-born, ocean-raised, wild salmon for the consumption and economic benefit of all user groups in Alaska and maintains Alaska's economic foothold in the marketplace outside.
Hatchery production in Alaska is designed to supplement — not replace—wild stock production. Alaska’s salmon harvests in 2013, 2015 and 2017 were three of the four highest wild stock returns in history dating back to the late 1800’s. As stated by the Alaska Department of Fish & Game in the 2022 Alaska Salmon Fisheries Enhancement Annual Report, abundance-based wild stock management priority, habitat protection, and record wild-stock harvests reflect the state’s commitment to conservation of wild stocks and provide the foundation of its salmon fisheries enhancement program.
Hatcheries in Alaska proudly provide millions of dollars of annual economic output in-state, nearly one billion meals per year worldwide, and stability to coastal communities, fisheries, and user groups across the state.