march 8, 2019 | board of fisheries hatchery committee meeting
ANCHORAGE, ALASKA | SHERATON HOTEL | 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
The Board of Fisheries will convene a Hatchery Committee Meeting on March 8, 2019 in downtown Anchorage, Alaska at the Sheraton Hotel. The Board will review the Joint Protocol on Salmon Enhancement and will engage in a salmon hatcheries forum discussion. This discussion and the outcome of the Board’s decisions at the committee meeting can have a critical impact on hatchery programs statewide and all salmon fisheries that benefit from hatchery production. As a stakeholder relying on sustainable salmon fisheries and strong hatchery production, please advocate on behalf of your industry and join us to engage and testify at the meeting.
Meeting Information
open forum subjects for the march 8, 2019 meeting are limited to the topics indicated below:
hatchery stock straying
recommendations on additional study subjects
views on acceptable levels of straying
recommendations on long-range mitigation strategies
regional planning teams (rpts)
potential improvements to the rpt public input
additional improvements to the rpt regulatory process
enhancement related research
recommendations on additional research efforts including topics, researchers, other
merits of including the board’s hatchery authorities as part of the board’s call for proposals